Robert Browning Associates and Lotus Music & Dance present
Saturday, October 14, 2017 at 8:00pm
Persian Classical Music
Roulette, 509 Atlantic Avenue (at 3rd Ave), Downtown Brooklyn (tel. 917-267-0363)
The Rohab Ensemble features three acclaimed maestros from the celebrated Dastan Ensemble - Hossein Behroozinia (barbat - lute), Saeed Farajpoori (kamancheh – spike fiddle) and Behnam Samani (tombak – goblet drum) – together with Hamid Behrouzinia (tar – lute). They are joined by the entrancing vocalist Sepideh Raissadat, who started her training with Parisa and in 1999 became the first female vocalist to have a solo public performance in Iran after the 1979 revolution. Their repertoire of classical Iranian music features romantic, melancholic, and joyous pieces whose lyrics include works from the vast treasury of classical Persian poetry, including mystical (Sufi) verses of Rumi, Sa'adi and Hafez.
“spectacular musicianship” – LA Times Tickets: $32; seniors, students $28 |